14. 06. 2015.

2. Poziv za sudjelovanjem: ICME/2015/VIJETNAM


ICME 2015 Annual Conference, 25-26 October 2015, Hanoi-Vietnam

Museums and Communities: Diversity, Dialogue, Collaboration 

This conference addresses the contemporary museum’s concern with power, representation and affect. Specifically, conference considers the transformation of exhibition spaces from sites where knowledge is transmitted to passive audiences towards potential contact zones or forums where diverse community voices and visibilities are raised and new knowledge(s) actively constructed in on-going dialogue.

We are calling for papers to consider this broad theme from a number of angles as a major interest lies in the creativity of disciplinary and spatial border crossings. This conference raises a number of questions, which in one way or another have been vital considerations at ICME’s conferences over the years.

How can we reinterpret and reimagine historical collections, together with source communities to engage diverse new audiences? What new collaborative ways of working with material culture and the intangible heritage from which it emerges might enhance the social value of museums?

Is social media and technology helpful to museums intent on engaging diverse audiences? Can technological innovations contribute to more genuinely inclusive engagement? Does technology and interactivity detract from the aura of the real? Are traditional curatorial skills, knowledge and indeed posts put at risk by the ‘turn’ towards new media and audiences?

How might community perspectives and diverse new voices be integrated into curatorial practice in substantive ways? Can museums and communities partnerships promote genuine intercultural understanding in place of fearful stereotype? Is it possible that new collaborations might enable museum collections, often established in colonial times with all the ‘difficult histories’ of this heritage, be reemployed to progress a more positive future? What fresh collaborative relationships with artists, source communities and local communities may be seen to enhance understandings of ‘us’ and ‘them’ in the frontier zone of ‘both-and’ that lies beyond restrictive ‘either-or’ binary oppositions.

We warmly invite your contributions to the ICME annual conference, Museums and Communities: Diversity and Dialogue in Vietnam. Reflecting on what a museum is (and may be) in the twenty-first century, opens up the potential role for developing more cohesive communities, working with similarities – ties that bind humanity – while perceiving differences as strengths. Please join us!

Submissions should be sent as a WORD document attachment to:








By June 14, 2015.
The following information should be included with the abstract:

Title of submitted paper

Name(s) of Author(s)

Affiliation(s) & full address (es)

Abstract in English (no more than 200 words)

Support equipment required
Conference information

Details of the ICME conference (Registration forms, registration fee information, hotels, and other details) will be available at the ICME web site at the end of April and in the next ICME Newsletters 73, 74 and 75: http://icme.icom.museum/

Conference Fee 

ICOM Members 100Euros

Youth members 50Euros

Non-ICOM members 150 Euros.

The conference fee will cover the printed programme, lunches and coffee breaks, the welcome and farewell party.

Registration and tour of Hanoi Museums 21 October

3 day Pre-conference tour 22-24 October in Ha Long bay and Trang An the UNESCO World Heritage Sites (see attached details). The post conference tour fee will be approximately 265 Euros, paying for the bus transport, hotel, meals, and museum admissions.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the dates of the tour and the conference have been reversed due to unavoidable organizational logistics!

For those who are not joining the pre-conference tour or the Hanoi Museum visit on 21st of October conference registration will be held at the conference venue, The National Museum Of Ethnology, on 25th October.