13. 07. 2016.

3rd Regional Scientific Conference ICOM SEE, 8 – 11 December, 2016

Alfa BK University in Belgrade is glad to announce its Third Regional Scientific Conference ICOM SEE, which will be held on 8 - 11 December, 2016.

For the third issue of our annual conference, we hope to gather professionals and experts whose scientific, research focuses on the study of :

“The results of the revitalization of cultural and natural heritage in the region of Southeast Europe in the period 2006-2016″

Your proposals for a fifteen-minute presentation (followed by a short discussion) should be sent in the attached application form by e-mail to rsc.icomsee@alfa.edu.rs by 30 July 2016. The proposals should contain your name, affiliation and e-mail address, title of the presentation and an abstract of 250 to 300 words, together with up to 6 keywords. Proposals should be submitted in the language in which the presentation will be delivered: English or Slovenian/Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian.

Conference fee is 50 €

Price for the commercial representation:  Depending on the size of the stand space for exhibition and billboards to posters and informational materials, 100 €/ m2.

For non-commercial institutions (museums, institutions of protection heritage and other professional organizations) price for the lease of stands and billboards is 40 €/ m2.

Please find attached here call for papers The-invitation-letter-English-Annexe-1.docx, posters Annex-2.docx and application form Annex-3.docx.