ICOM’s Statutes

The Statutes of the International Council of Museums (hereinafter referred to as “ICOM”) is the basic document of the Organisation. The Internal Rules of ICOM and the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums define and complete these Statutes.

The new version of this essential document was adopted by the Extraordinary General Assembly of ICOM in Milan (Italy), held on 9th July 2016, amended and adopted by the Extraordinary General Assembly on 9th June 2017 (Paris, France) and finally amended and adopted by the Extraordinary General Assembly on 24th August 2022 (hybrid meeting, in Prague, Czech Republic and online).
The French language version of the ICOM Statutes is the official document from which translations must emanate. Questions regarding the official position of ICOM on statutory issue should refer to the French version.

You may download ICOM Statutes here: