International Committees

International Committees

The International Committees bring together experts of museum specialties. Chairpersons represents each International Committee within ICOM’s Advisory Committee.
The 31 International Committees are global think tanks on museum, and more generally, heritage, matters. They define the museum professional’s standards, share scientific information, establish partnerships with other organisations and develop recommendations for ICOM members.

Please find below the ICOM’s international committees:

AVICOM ICOM International Committee for Audiovisual and New Technologies of Image and Sound
CAMOC International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities
CECA International Committee for Education and Cultural Action
CIDOC International Committee for Documentation
CIMAM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art
CIMCIM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Musical Instruments
CIMUSET International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology
CIPEG International Committee for Egyptology
COMCOL International Committee for Collecting
COSTUME International Committee for Museums and Collections of Costume
DEMHIST International Committee for Historic House Museums
GLASS International Committee for Museums and Collections of Glass
ICAMT International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques
ICDAD International Committee for Museums and Collections of Decorative Arts and Design
ICEE International Committee for Exhibition Exchange
ICFA International Committee for Museums and Collections of Fine Arts
ICLM International Committee for Literary Museums
ICMAH International Committee for Museums and Collections of Archaeology and History
ICME International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography
ICMEMO International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes
ICMS International Committee for Museum Security
ICOFOM International Committee for Museology
ICOM-CC International Committee for Conservation
ICOMAM International Committee for Museums of Arms and Military History
ICOMON International Committee for Money and Banking Museums
ICR International Committee for Regional Museums
ICTOP International Committee for the Training of Personnel
INTERCOM International Committee on Management
MPR International Committee for Marketing and Public Relations
NATHIST International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History
UMAC International Committee for University Museums and Collections

Regional Alliances

The Regional Alliances are forums designed to promote dialogue and the sharing of information between the National Committees, museums and the museum professionals of a given region.
The National Committees can be members of a Regional Alliance established in their geographical area. The Presidents of the five ICOM Regional Alliances sit at the Advisory Committee.

Please find below the ICOM’s regional alliances:

ICOM ARAB International Council of Museums Arab Countries Alliance
ICOM ASPAC International Council of Museums Asia-Pacific Alliance
ICOM EUROPE International Council of Museums Europe Alliance
ICOM LAC International Council of Museums Latin America & Caribbean Alliance
ICOM SEE International Council of Museums South East Europe Alliance

Affiliated Organisations

The Affiliated Organisations are associations or international councils that are dedicated to museums and museum professionals in a given region. These organisations participate in ICOM’s activities and contribute to the influence of the organisation and its network while maintaining their autonomy.
Any international organisation made up of at least two thirds of museums or museum professionals can become an ICOM Affiliated Organisation.
The 18 Affiliated Organisations are represented by their Presidents within the Advisory Committee.

Please find below the ICOM’s Affiliated Organisations:

AEOM Association of European Open-Air Museums
AFRICOM International Council of African Museums
AIMA International Association of Agricultural Museums
AMOI Association of Museums of the Indian Ocean
CAM Commonwealth Association of Museums
EXARC International Organisation of Archaeological Open Air Museums and Experimental Archaeology
HO!I Hands On! International Association of Children’s Museums
IACM International Association of Customs/Tax Museums
IAMFA International Association of Museum Facility Administrators
IAMH International Association of Museums of History
IATM International Association of Transport and Communications Museums
ICAM International Confederation of Architectural Museums
ICMM International Congress of Maritime Museums
MAC Museums Association of the Caribbean
MINOM International Movement for a New Museology
PIMA Pacific Islands Museums Association
SADCAMM Southern Africa Development Community Association of Museums and Monuments
SIBMAS International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts