International Scientific Conference: Protection of Cultural Heritage from Natural and Man-made Disasters (call extended)
2nd Announcement
The National and University Library in Zagreb
in cooperation with the
Meteorological and hydrological service,
Institute of Archaeology,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb and
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb
is organising
the International Scientific Conference
Protection of Cultural Heritage from Natural and Man-made Disasters
Zagreb/Šibenik, 8 – 10 May 2014
The conference is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.
Cultural heritage is one of the key determinants of every nation and community.
Taking into consideration a small number of examples of efficient systems aimed at the protection of that heritage from disasters, it is our wish to organise this conference and thus contribute to the development and adoption of the national and regional strategy for cases of various kinds of conditions threatening cultural heritage.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together the most eminent experts and specialists in the field of the protection of cultural heritage, representatives of the academic community and administrative bodies of institutions, local and state governments, as well as the owners of private collections, with the aim of the development of strategy for the protection of cultural heritage from natural and man-made disasters and the formulation of a proposal for introducing amendments to the existing legislation.
The conference will address the following themes:
Identification of objects and collections,
Methods and techniques of protection,
Management in cases of emergencies and
Examples of best practice.
The programme of the conference will be structured into:
Keynote presentations, invited and accepted presentations, poster presentations,
workshops and computer simulations.
Keynote presentations – 30 min
Invited presentation – 20 min
Accepted presentation – 15 min
Poster presentation – 5 min
The Programme Committee reserves the right to determine details concerning the presentation of accepted papers.
The programme of the conference will be held in English.
Abstract submission:
All abstracts and biographies are to be submitted in English here.
Deadline for abstract submission has been extended until 15 February 2014.
Authors will be notified of the details on the outcome of their submission not later than 28 February 2014.
Conference Proceedings:
Papers presented at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Papers submitted for the conference must not be previously published or accepted for publishing in some other publication.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed in compliance with strict international standards.
Guidelines on papers to be included in the Conference Proceedings will be available after 28 February 2014.
Deadline for paper submission is 31 March 2014.
Conference Registration Form.
Early registration deadline is 31 March 2014. Conference fee: EUR 150 + VAT.
Late registration deadline is 30 April 2014. Conference fee: EUR 250 + VAT.
Conference fee for students and accompanying persons: EUR 50 + VAT. Students may register for the conference based on presenting some formal evidence of their status as students (copy of student ID card, verified proof of student status letter). Excursion to Šibenik. Price: EUR 70 + VAT.
Conference fee covers participation in the programme of the conference, Book of Abstracts and other conference materials, welcome drink, refreshments during breaks and conference dinner.
After you register, you will be issued a pro-forma invoice.
We will accept payments not later than 3 May 2014 exclusively through the account of the National and University Library in Zagreb (PIN 85167032587),
IBAN HR66 2340 0091 1000 1008 1, SWIFT code: PBZGHR2X,
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Zagreb, Croatia.
Expenses incurred by international payments will entirely be covered by the payer.
Invoice will be issued to you upon payment.
Telephone: +385 1 6164 129, +385 1 6164 197
Fax: +385 1 6164 285
National and University Library in Zagreb
Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4