Opening up museums and cultural heritage (Javiera Atenas / UCL, UK)
Time: November 18th, 2015 at 12:00 AM
Place: Technical Museum Zagreb, Savska cesta 18
ICOM Croatia and the Technical Museum Zagreb are pleased to announce
LECTURE by JAVIERA ATENAS (University College London, UK)
“Opening up museums and cultural heritage”
The way in which museums and cultural organisations communicate with the public has changed, and rules regarding access to information and knowledge have indeed become more flexible, aiming at provide the people with the information they need in a digital format.
Open Access to knowledge and information is well understood and valued amongst academic communities thanks to the efforts of the movements that support open access, open science and open education, however, museums and cultural institutions still have concerns regarding the protection of their digital assets while ensuring the provision of digital access to their collections for teaching and learning and for public dissemination.
Museums need to open up, and this can be done using two types of strategies, the first one is to communicate effectively using social media channels, so people can interact with curators and understand the dynamics of the museums, and second, museums need to re-establish their role of key educators and facilitate the access to their collections to students and teachers. But as is key to protect the museum assets, it is necessary that museums professionals understand the current copyright restrictions and Creative Commons licenses, which are the key to democratise access to knowledge protecting the intellectual property of the artefacts.
This workshop aims at developing the understanding of Creative Commons Licenses as new ways of licensing and protecting the intellectual property of digital objects.It will showcase good practices in open museums and open digital cultural collections, with the intention of supporting the development of leading practices and strategies to engage museums with users and teachers at national and international level, and towards enhancing good digital practices for museum professionals.
Short bio:
Javiera Atenas – is one of the co-coordinators of the open education working group of the open knowledge foundation and a researcher in Open Education. She holds a PhD in Education, a master’s degree in Library and Information Science and an MPhil in Knowledge Management also, she is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She currently works co-ordinating distance learning programmes at University College London, UK and is an associate lecturer at Universitat de Barcelona at the department of Social Sciences. She is part of the board of advisors for the Lang OER programme, part of the panel of experts of the GO_NG network, member of the UNESCO WSIS – OER community and collaborates with several open education projects at international level.