10. 05. 2016.

Goranka Horjan – candidate for the Vice-president of ICOM 2016-2019

Goranka Horjan, ravnateljica Etnografskog muzeja u Zagrebu kandidatkinja je za potpredsjednicu ICOM-a na izborima koji će se održati u sklopu Generalne konferencije ICOM-a u Milanu početkom srpnja 2016.

U dva mandata Goranka Horjan je bila članica Izvršnog odobra ICOM-a (2010-2016) a bila je i dugogodišnja predsjednica Međunarodnog komiteta za regionalne muzeje (2004-2010) te članica Izvršnog odbora Hrvatskog nacionalnog komiteta ICOM (2001-2004).

Kolegica G. Horjan na predstojećim ICOM izborima jedini je kandidat koji dolazi iz područja jugo-istočne Europe što je razlog za podršku od strane ICOM Hrvatske, ali vjerujemo i drugih nacionalnih komiteta u regiji.


U izbornoj brošuri kolegice G. Horjan istaknula je slijedeće prioritete:

“Recent global political and economic changes have had a huge impact on museums, and ICOM is facing new challenges. Museum professionals need assistance, increasingly exposed to various external and internal pressures. In general, decision-makers assess economic benefits created by museums and expect measurable outcomes. Growing terrorism affects the museum field immensely, directly and indirectly, as recent tragic events have shown.

Social development derives from activities targeting different groups of users and facilitating learning in interesting ways. In short, new philosophies expect museums to create more with fewer resources. The challenges are not limited to Africa, Asia or Latin America but also affect European countries. ICOM must address every corner of the world in pursuing its mission, providing solutions for the above-mentioned challenges.

However, growing opportunities also appear in this hyperconnected world, with digital power that enables instant communication. The advantages of new technologies should be used for projects and capacity-building in museum communities worldwide.

Active promotion of intercultural dialogue should be used in addressing the issues of terrorism, migration and concentration of power. ICOM should support more on-site projects in different parts of the world involving local museum professionals. Accumulated knowledge on museums should enable ICOM to provide National and International Committees with necessary expertise and advice to address various problems – from legal issues to lack of resources or disaster relief.

ICOM should be more proactive in empowering museum professionals, and should develop a more flexible structure, reinforce multitasking, positive attitude and efficient policies.

From time to time, the world experiences a significant shift, and today, new realities are created with shocking speed.  Bearing in mind the consequences of recent economic crises and new scientific progress, an urgent realignment of priorities within the museum sector is needed and ICOM should be a leader. Professionalism and relevance should be key words for museums in the 21st century.”